Kindergarten Graduation and National Indigenous Peoples Day – two special occasions at SCA!

On Thursday our current kindergarten class celebrated their kindergarten graduation with a lovely outdoor event. Our amazing parent community helped with decorations and by providing a wonderful assortment of delicious foods. Mrs. Danyluk prepared the students with presentations of their certificates, with a lovely song, and a fun “dance your way down the red carpet” exit! Each kindergarten was recognized for their unique and incredible contributions to our school this year and there were many tears of joy from the families who came to witness this special event. Congratulations kindergartens! You have a bright future ahead of you!

On Friday, our whole school had the honour to work with Knowledge Keeper, Cammeo Goodyear to learn about and create beautiful beaded headdresses. What a lovely day to learn and create outside with Mt. Ida as a backdrop to this special experience. In the afternoon, our we gathered as a school community to recognize the importance of National Indigenous Peoples Day and the summer solstice. Grade 7 student, Malykai Faval did the land acknowledgement for this assembly and Mrs. Chandra’s class performed a song. At the end of the assembly, each class was treated to share a celebration of nature’s harvest…crackers with salmon that Cammeo had caught and canned herself from Bella Coola, on a bed of arugula and spicy radishes from our very own South Canoe garden. What a treat!